The Orthodox Church of Portugal, appeals to all Private People, Public or Private Institutions – at National or International level – in the sense of generously improving any kind of Gifts, which may help the same Church to undertake the prosecution of the construction of Her ecclesiastical structures, as well as Her Humanitarian and Social Projects.
The Orthodox Church of Portugal is responsible for an immensity of people and families depending on of the same one to survive. Thus all the coming HELP is crucial so that She can give continuity to this indispensable work and the Human Dignity of so many Children of God prevails as an inalienable right.
Being the Church sponsoring and development of humanitarian and social help besides the strict and merely Religious-Confessional ambit, carrying out Her Action of Fraternal Altruism behind the borders of the very Ecclesial Institution, even more difficult becomes this Mission.
Only with the generous contribution and sensitization of everyone, it will be possible for the Church to accomplish Her Apostolic Mission, with the practice of real Acts of Love to the neighbor. Any financial help should be channeled for the bank account of the Church, below indicated: |